The Lose Your Lawn program by Zanker Landscape Materials facilitates the conversion of a grass lawn to a drought resistant landscape in Santa Clara County. We provide information about the sheet-mulching process. We also produce compost, mulches, and rock aggregates from locally-sourced organic debris and recycled material from construction/demolition projects.

Drought Resistant Plants
When most people think about drought tolerant plants, they think of succulents. Contrary to popular belief, there are many beautiful, lush, plants and flowers that are drought tolerant. Check them out.

Mulches, Composts, and Aggregates
Your options for mulch, compost, and aggregates are more open than you would think. We have many organic, natural, and unique options to choose from, from natural soil amendment, to red lava rock, to mahogany mulch.

Before and After
Drought tolerant gardens don’t have to look sparse and desert-like. Here are some examples of beautiful drought tolerant landscapes to intrigue and inspire.
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